Friday 25 May 2012

Family Friendly Dentists

With the trend in dentistry being towards the cosmetic end, we can easily fall into the trap of forgetting that dental care is about our health and not just our vanity. Of course, we all want to look good and there is nothing wrong with that. However, this can’t be at the expense of having a good set of healthy teeth.

There is a danger of course in going for the big selling items that we forget the younger generation. This is especially important as younger children as we know consume a large amount of sugar and looking after their teeth early on will set them in good stead for the rest of their lives.

What is important then is that dentists take good care to make sure that their practices are focussed on children abd also make the décor child friendly so that they do not feel afraid when they visit, especially for their first few visits when a bad experience may influence how often they visit a dentist during the rest of their life.

Many dentists including this family dentist in Coventry, have realised the importance of making sure that children get a good start with their dental health care and have provided an environment that encouarages them to feel at home.

Hopefully, it should be some time before they need any serious procedures done if their parents are ensuring that they clean their teeth on a regular basis, howeber, we all know that this is not quite as easy as it looks on paper.

Many dentists now leave a TV on all day tuned in to childrens tv stations such as Cbeebies and others. These usually show a contiunual run of animation and other childrens entertainment. Howefully, taking care of small details like this ewill ensure the childs good dental health for many years to come.

Mind The Gap - Dental Implants

As we age and grow old, perhaps not overly gracefully, we find that bits of us don’t function as well as they used to do, and no, this is not an advertisement for the little pill that can help some men that shall remain nameless.

We are specifically talking here about our teeth. Some of us are lucky enough to have strong genes and go into our later years with a decent set of teeth that need only minimal maintenance. For most though, we will have suffered either damage or even just wear and tear which will have left us with discoloured and possibly chipped teeth. Depending on the severity of these and how vain we are, we may opt for a tooth whitening treatment or even dental veneers. These problems however are fairly cosmetic and less relevant for older people. What is important though is that as older people, we are able to eat a good range of foods and chew them in order to get the nutrition that we need.

This becomes more problematic as we get older and lose some of our teeth. This may only cause limited problems but if we lose a number of them, it can make chewing and biting especially, difficult to do. Because of this, we often have dentures fitted but these can be uncomfortable and often work loose. If we have lost just a few teeth of course we may opt for dental implants which are excellent replacement for them and provide a strong substitute for a natural tooth. These dental implants can be found in Hanwell and all across the west of London.

For those who have lost most of their teeth though, it may appear that dental implants are out of the question and dentures are the only solution left. However, many older people are now replacing their dentures with a fixed brace that is held in place using mini dental implants. This procedure called all on 4, only uses 4 dental implants and will leave the patient with a secure fixed bridge which does not come out to be cleaned but can be looked after in the same way that you would your own teeth.

Using this procedure, even as we get older, we can chew and eat a wide range of foods and ensure our ongoing health for many years to come.

Friday 18 May 2012

Is it OK to wear Braces in Adulthood?

We are well used to seeing younger children wearing braces in their mouth. It may be a sign of the times, but kids these days don’t seem to have the same fears about wearing them. Perhaps the bullying that many children of previous generations suffered because of them has now been overtaken by the bullying for wearing the wrong kind of trainers or haircut. The reality though is that most children growing up now are likely to have much straighter teeth that those of the generation who spurned the opportunity when they were younger.

Most who avoided the old styled braces will probably feel vindicated because they didn’t end up a mental wreck, or at least lacking in confidence. Most of those will, however, perhaps regret the fact that they have crooked teeth now.

Whilst it is understandable that these people may feel that they will have to live with this for the rest of their lives, the good news is that they don’t. You can now have adult braces fitted in Epsom and all across the county of Surrey as well as most of the rest of the UK.

These new adult braces though, bear no resemblance to the braces of old. These are made from a strong transparent plastic that fits tightly over the teeth, making them almost invisible; in fact, they are regularly referred to as invisible braces. Most people that have tried them say that they get very few people noticing that they are wearing them, especially if they are unaware of it.  Unlike traditional braces, these do not have to be checked and tightened by the dentist, although he will want to keep an eye on the progress. Instead, when these braces are produced, they are done so from exact and precise measurements and impressions that are taken at the initial consultation. Form these measurements, four sets of braces are manufactured and each of these will nudge the teeth just a little further until they are finally in the correct position.

Adult braces too are designed to be removed when necessary. Whilst this should not be abused, it is recommended that they are not worn whilst eating and also for cleaning of the teeth, both brushing and flossing.

So, if you do have crooked teeth, it is well worth asking your local cosmetic dentist for a consultation to discuss and allow you to decide whether this procedure is suitable for you. You never know, within a year or so, you may once again have a beautiful straight smile.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Choosing the Right Dentist

Selecting the right dentist for your needs is an important choice. Many of us, however, fall into the trap of making do with our current dentist or simply opting for the first one that we come across. Given the importance of keeping our teeth strong and healthy, this is not a good approach to take. So, how do we choose the right dentist?


Thankfully, in the UK, we don't have a major problem with qualified dentists as it is illegal to set up a practice without them. Any dentist wishing to trade needs to be visible and to risk setting up without qualifications could end up with a prison sentence.

Where to Find a Dentist

Many of us will move at least once during pour lifetime and it is at this time that we may tend to not register with a dentist - it's an easy thing to do. You should though make it one of the first things that you do. This can be difficult though if you have no knowledge of your new area. You can search online for dentists or scour the local magazines, but apart from perhaps working out how well the waiting room is decorated, itself no bad thing as it can indicate the care a dentist takes for his patients, you certainly will not be able to find out how good he is... that can only come from personal experience. A good idea is to ask around and get some general feedback. Naturally, you will get a mix of opinions, perhaps some excellent and some appalling about the same dentist. You will though, after a period of time, start to build up an overall picture of who has a good reputation.

Your Treatment Needs

Some people have naturally strong teeth and may only need the odd small filling, whilst others will need more intensive treatment. Others still will be looking for aesthetic improvement to their teeth and for both of the latter two at least, a cosmetic dentist will be needed. Thankfully there are now some excellent dentists throughout the UK, including this dentist in Ealing in London.

Once you have settled on a dentist, make an appointment to arrange a consultation. There is a very good chance that, after this, you will know whether they are the dentist for you. If they are not, simply repeat the procedure until you find a dentist that you are comfortable with. Whatever you do, don't neglect your teeth.

Take Pride in Your Smile

When Hollywood deemed that its film stars, back in the thirties, had very poor quality teeth, something which would show on the big screen, they turned to the dentists of the day to find ways to improve their appearance and cosmetic dentistry was born. Most of the early treatments revolved around making the teeth whiter such as tooth whitening and veneers. Since then, however, many more procedures have come online with one of the biggest advances being dental implants and a new style of braces called 'invisible braces'

Most of us know all about the metal braces that people wore at school and if, like myself, you decided to risk crooked teeth and refused to have these, you are probably finding yourself in your middle age, wishing that your teeth were not as crooked but at the same time thinking that there is little that you can do about this.

The good news is that you are wrong. The even better news is that you no longer have to wear metal braces to correct the problem. Invisible braces, as you would expect from the name, are incredibly difficult to detect when worn, especially for those who don't already know that you have them. Naturally, they are not entirely invisible but they are made from a clear plastic and are made to fit tightly over your teeth.

We asked a dentist about some of these invisible braces in Burton in the East Midlands and he told us that his clients had been very happy with them. The thing, he said, which attracted people to them initially, was that they were almost invisible and that alleviated people's fear of social embarrassment. The deciding factor for most people though when they were debating whether to have these invisible braces fitted, was the fact that they are easily removed by the patient and are made to do so especially during eating and cleaning times. As many more people dine out these days, the fact that you did not have to wear them whilst eating was a huge plus. He did express a word of caution though that some patients take this as an excuse to leave them out for much longer than they should. This, he noted, would slow down the correction process significantly.

Invisible braces can't be used on younger children as their teeth are not fully developed although it may be possible for late teenagers to wear them; it is best to ask your dentist about this.

So, now, there is no reason not to have straight and even teeth; simply contact your local cosmetic dentist to arrange a consultation to discuss the options and bring that smile back to your face.