Friday 18 May 2012

Is it OK to wear Braces in Adulthood?

We are well used to seeing younger children wearing braces in their mouth. It may be a sign of the times, but kids these days don’t seem to have the same fears about wearing them. Perhaps the bullying that many children of previous generations suffered because of them has now been overtaken by the bullying for wearing the wrong kind of trainers or haircut. The reality though is that most children growing up now are likely to have much straighter teeth that those of the generation who spurned the opportunity when they were younger.

Most who avoided the old styled braces will probably feel vindicated because they didn’t end up a mental wreck, or at least lacking in confidence. Most of those will, however, perhaps regret the fact that they have crooked teeth now.

Whilst it is understandable that these people may feel that they will have to live with this for the rest of their lives, the good news is that they don’t. You can now have adult braces fitted in Epsom and all across the county of Surrey as well as most of the rest of the UK.

These new adult braces though, bear no resemblance to the braces of old. These are made from a strong transparent plastic that fits tightly over the teeth, making them almost invisible; in fact, they are regularly referred to as invisible braces. Most people that have tried them say that they get very few people noticing that they are wearing them, especially if they are unaware of it.  Unlike traditional braces, these do not have to be checked and tightened by the dentist, although he will want to keep an eye on the progress. Instead, when these braces are produced, they are done so from exact and precise measurements and impressions that are taken at the initial consultation. Form these measurements, four sets of braces are manufactured and each of these will nudge the teeth just a little further until they are finally in the correct position.

Adult braces too are designed to be removed when necessary. Whilst this should not be abused, it is recommended that they are not worn whilst eating and also for cleaning of the teeth, both brushing and flossing.

So, if you do have crooked teeth, it is well worth asking your local cosmetic dentist for a consultation to discuss and allow you to decide whether this procedure is suitable for you. You never know, within a year or so, you may once again have a beautiful straight smile.

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