Friday 25 May 2012

Mind The Gap - Dental Implants

As we age and grow old, perhaps not overly gracefully, we find that bits of us don’t function as well as they used to do, and no, this is not an advertisement for the little pill that can help some men that shall remain nameless.

We are specifically talking here about our teeth. Some of us are lucky enough to have strong genes and go into our later years with a decent set of teeth that need only minimal maintenance. For most though, we will have suffered either damage or even just wear and tear which will have left us with discoloured and possibly chipped teeth. Depending on the severity of these and how vain we are, we may opt for a tooth whitening treatment or even dental veneers. These problems however are fairly cosmetic and less relevant for older people. What is important though is that as older people, we are able to eat a good range of foods and chew them in order to get the nutrition that we need.

This becomes more problematic as we get older and lose some of our teeth. This may only cause limited problems but if we lose a number of them, it can make chewing and biting especially, difficult to do. Because of this, we often have dentures fitted but these can be uncomfortable and often work loose. If we have lost just a few teeth of course we may opt for dental implants which are excellent replacement for them and provide a strong substitute for a natural tooth. These dental implants can be found in Hanwell and all across the west of London.

For those who have lost most of their teeth though, it may appear that dental implants are out of the question and dentures are the only solution left. However, many older people are now replacing their dentures with a fixed brace that is held in place using mini dental implants. This procedure called all on 4, only uses 4 dental implants and will leave the patient with a secure fixed bridge which does not come out to be cleaned but can be looked after in the same way that you would your own teeth.

Using this procedure, even as we get older, we can chew and eat a wide range of foods and ensure our ongoing health for many years to come.

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